Calculating the Numbers of your Destiny!

Yes! That’s what Numerology is all about. It is the art of calculating the numbers of your life, numbers which you keep coming across again and again, numbers you are born under etc., to evaluate them and get them to a more harmonious and luckier vibration.

Certain number one is born with – the date of birth. Others we have a choice in, marriage date, new business, partnership etc. And then there are yet others which are given to us, say house number, telephone number, registration number etc., where we have little or no choice.

As Numerology is the science of numbers, the numbers can be added up for analysis. But how do we get the value of our name or any written text we want a numerological analysis of? For this, each alphabet in Numerology is assigned a numeric value and accordingly calculated.

There are several systems or branches of numerology – Chaldean, Pythogarean, Cheiro, South Indian, Chinese, to name a few. This too is a way of divining and interpreting like many other mystical sciences.

Just as in astrology, the planets, the zodiac, palmistry are connected to specific attributes within it, according to the teachings of numerology, certain numbers are associated with specific traits or themes. These numbers are used to offer insight on personality, future predictions, and even life’s greater purpose.

The Pythogarean System:

Pythogaras was a Greek mathematician and a philosopher who lived from 569 to 470 BC, is known as the father of Western numerology. Pythagoras began his theory of numbers by discovering the numerical relationship between numbers and musical notes. He found that the vibrations in stringed instruments could be mathematically explained. The Pythagorean system uses an individual’s name and date of birth. The name number reveals the individual’s outer nature. This is the personality that they present to the outside world.

The Chaldean system

Chaldeans were ancient people who ruled Babylonia from 625 to 539 BC. Hence, this system is also known as the Babylonian numerology system. The Chaldean system uses the numbers 1–8. The number 9 is not used in the system because it is regarded as sacred due to its connection to infinity, thus divinity. Chaldean numerology is used to identify the vibrational changes that occur when you or someone else speaks or thinks. The sound of someone speaking comes out in different frequencies and energies that affect the speaker and those around them.

Cheiro’s Numerology

Cheiro is yet another infamous system, developed by Cheiro himself, who was a very well-known clairvoyant, astrologer, palm reader and numerologist, flourishing in the late 19th and early 20th century. His real name was William John Warner, and he was born near Dublin, Ireland in 1866. The name Cheiro came from the term “cheiromancy”, which is another word for palm reading, one of his most known strengths. His numerology though, has strong links to the Chaldean system, with a few changes of his own. It can be used to forecast a person’s life, successes and misfortunes, and as such has led parents of newborns to consider a good name for their child based on the best prognosis against their birth date. The essence of Chaldean, and Cheiro numerology, is to seek out and describe the forces at play behind the scenes of people’s lives and world situations, and do what can be done to improve circumstances and mitigate issues.

One can apply this system as far as one wishes, in life. There are detailed breakdowns such as the Birth number, Life Path number, Destiny number, Prime or lucky number, corresponding to each individual and make the necessary changes to suit your purpose.

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