
Positive Affirmations

Affirmations in the New Age Practices refer to the practice of using positive thoughts and statements consciously, to change the narrative in our mind. It is a self-empowerment technique to foster a belief that is positive and enhancing, to stimulate, change and create a mental framework for success. Whatever we say, believe, think or do, becomes our reality. It reprogramr our cognition, perception and mental structures.

These statements have to repeated mentally or written down, several times, until manifestation. Not any statement will do. Affirmations are formatted in a structured way, to gain momentum in our thought patterns, and make it happen.

A lot of work has been done by Rhonda Britten, Rhonda Byrne (The Scret – book and movie) and also, Esther Hicks (Law of Attraction) on the subject.

Rules for making an Affirmation:

  1. It should be a positive statement.
  2. It should be personal.
  3. It should be in present tense.
  4. It should be short.
  5. It should be precise and to the point.
  6. It should be repeated daily, atleast 21 times and can go upto a 100.

For e.g., if someone wishes to be healthy, he/she can just make a simple yet effective one, “ I am healthy.”, and keep repeating it several times over in their head, like a chant or a mantra. Doing so certainly brings about a shift and a change in our subconscious, and makes it a reality for us. We start eating better, include exercise, sleep and wake up on time etc., make meaningful changes in our day to day regimen, to bring about a healthy lifestyle.

But there goes a lot of technique in creating beautiful affiemations.  If I were to make the above health affirmation several times powerful and effective, I would create, “I am grateful for perfect health.” Can you see how it changed the entire meaning of it? It now implies that I already have perfect health and that I am grateful for it.

Magical Switchwords

Switchwords are a sequence of word/s created by James T. Mangan, in 1963, which switches your energy from one plane to another, creating what you wish to have. These words have a different meaning altogether – i.e., do not take the literal meaning of the word. For e.g, if the switchword COUNT is for creating wealth, we just have to use it, not actually count the money we have. These powerful words bypass our conscious mind and access the subconscious, creating the shift and thus bringing about the transformation.

Using Switchwords Effectively

  1. The switchword list is already available – use the ones which you want based upon the current issue.
  2. We cannot make up a switchword ourselves, like the affirmations. We have to use from the said list.
  3. Switchwords combination can be made for 2-3 issues together. Ensure that not too many are made. That will overcrowd the solution.
  4. These can be written in capital letters, on a neat blank piece of paper, kept in the purse/wallet, stuck on the wall, refriderator, wardrobes etc., any surface where it is visible to the eye – that reinforces the power in our subconscious mind.
  5. These have to be written in block or capital letters only, evenly spaced out, and do not use red or black ink.

Takeaway: I use a combination of affirmations, switchwords, symbols(Reiki and other), crystal and colours, for creating and bringing a solution into my life’s little setbacks.

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